Thursday, March 3, 2016

Final Week- Final Frontier

We finally look back on our adventure and see the 2 worlds shown above separated by a single bridge. The only piece we have not seen is what lies waiting on the other side. We can see the beauty of the blue water on one side, but on the other side we still have the frozen tundra. Blue skies surround the whole location with no smog, minimal clouds, and resurrecting grass. The lone pathway is mysterious as it lies in wait for someone to cross. It is finally dry, undisturbed, and tempting to any man who look at this image. Curiosity arises and the vast landscape just makes one want more. What could lie beyond the bridge? More of the melted lake? An area of wildlife? Town Roads? A parking lot? There truly are 2 worlds to each side of this bridge, and what could meet in the middle is up to you. There are two sides of space separated by one single wormhole waiting to take you to a completely different universe, and that universe is what you make it to be.

Week 5- Mysterious Jets

The mystery to the hole in the water is answered in this photo. Within the lake there are filters and jets that constantly operate to keep the flow of water. With this constant but subtle flow the water has no chance to freeze. The wildlife take presence and they remain in the swirling water. There is a threshold where the lake begins to freeze and that is beautiful represented as ice mirrors the shore and sky.

Week 4- Canyons of Snow

Sheer brightness and color has been added to this scene to make it remarkable in and of itself. It gives us a sense of brightness and happiness from the past gloomy pictures. It seems more upbeat and alive. The mountains have taken life and are no longer strangled by the smog in the city. We can see a bare shore with grass, rocks, and plants. The wildlife is back, but now more abundant. The sheer shape of the ice as it approaches the shore is completely different and appears to finally begin to melt. The snow banks begin to erode like a rock formation in the Moab Desert. The wind patterns are seen on that snow and it looks like many small valleys or canyons of snow. On the shore itself, one can physically see the water being pushed up and over the ice as it comes into the shore from the melting lake. It’s as if there is a trace of sea foam lying on the shore, but really it is just water carved into the ice as it slowly carves and melts it away.

Week 3- "Nightbreak" Lake

 The night portrayal is amazingly beautiful. The very dark shoreline combined with a ray of light from the outlaying posts gives a perfect contrast between the water and the surrounding area. As we remember the previous pictures we know that the lake was still frozen, but in this picture we only tend to focus on the water that is lit up and it gives us the assumption that the lake now looks completely unfrozen. Our eyes are drawn to the lit up water, and not to the surrounding dark area. Look closely and it is still frozen in almost the exact same spots as the week previous. But in light of the previous gloomy shots, the lake is now so peaceful.  You feel as though you can just drift asleep as the nighttime keeps. It’s silent, you can even feel that in the picture. The reflections give a look of a slight breeze on the water. No stars appear as the clouds still linger in this overcast and winter season. The mountains are unseen with the smog still in the city. But apart from the ugly smog and lack of mountains, the calmness and peace from the reflections and angle from the shoreline going up the lake into the small town truly is something that can be felt.

Week 2- "A Tale of Two Lakes"

Just one week later the Lake appears the same. The weather is gloomier and the Smog still lingering. We see the water and how it has reached the shore and the 2 spots are almost connected. The lake is changing as time goes on. However, the other side of the lake that is separated by the bridge appears to be another realm. It appears very dark, cloudy, and depressing. It is lonely and not very changing. A lone park bench stands near the front. No sign of life. It is much more frozen than the other side, which also makes us wonder why? It is a mystery. Perhaps the depth of lake is different, the way it was built, the weather patterns, so many factors that contribute to two different scenes.

Daybreak Lake- Overview

There are so many stories to be created with one photo. Truly, a picture is worth 1000 words. The overview, the grand outlook, the panoramic, all of these contribute to the vast space and detail that can be taken from this image. The smoggy overtone that covers the mountain in the background gives an eerie sensation. The little town and construction not too far in the distance allows us to see the development of a small but beautiful lake town. The frozen tundra on the lake with the water trying to eke its way to the surface makes us think of the weather patterns. Is the lake warming from the center? Why in two spots? Many questions about this mysterious small town lake can be answered in great detail with assistance from its accompanying surroundings.